Rotary Club of MANGALAGIRI - Rotary India

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Total Services 6
Purified Drinking Water Facility at C.K.GirlsSchoo

The Rotary Club of Mangalagiri organized Service Project at C.K. Gi. . .

Tree Plantation Project at C.K. Girls High School

The Rotary Club of Mangalagiri organized Tree Plantation Service Pr. . .

Donation of Iron Safes to Primary Health Center

The Rotary Club of Mangalagiri Donated 2 Iron Safes to Urban Primar. . .

Immediate Relief to Flood Affected People in AP

Due to the severe flooding caused by the overflowing Sabari and God. . .

Project Shakti - Cervical Cancer - HPV Vaccination

The Rotary Club of Mangalagiri kicked Started Project Shakti - Cer. . .

Tree Plantation Service Project by RCM

The Rotary Club of Mangalagiri kicked off their 2024-25 year with a. . .